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“I watched Joe answer phones all day and said ‘thank God I’m not doing that.’” Three years later, that’s exactly what he’s doing and doing it well. Andrew was the first addition to the C2IT team in our company’s “second phase”. If you’ve followed the C2IT story you know we were founded in 2004 and served one primary client until they were acquired. That caused C2IT to change course and start growing our services and capacity. Andrew joined the team as an intern in the fall of 2014 while completing his bachelor’s degree as a dual major in Computer Information Systems and Computer Science at Franklin College. Andrew stayed with the team until December of 2015. He said his experience at C2IT was more than he expected.

As an intern, he joined the team in a developer role and expected he’d spend most of his time assisting with code on existing projects. But Chet wound up taking Andrew into client meetings and also allowed him to draft wireframes for new projects. He actually worked on the GreenLight Collectibles web portal that’s still being used today. He said he was exposed to much more of the business than he ever anticipated.

After graduating from Franklin, Andrew took a developer job at a larger company. Eventually, he discovered that wasn’t a great fit for him and he decided to move on. At the time C2IT had a job posting for a Web Designer available and Andrew reached back out to Chet to interview for that role. Andrew said with a laugh, “I interviewed for that. I wouldn’t have been good at it. Chet makes good hires.” But fortunately, C2IT was planning to hire an IT Technician and Chet asked if Andrew would be interested in that. He said yes and was quickly brought back onto the C2IT team.

Transitioning from development to IT was challenging at first. But Andrew must have stood out in Joe’s mind during his internship. He says on his first day as an IT Technician Joe handed him a new PC for a client and told him to set it up. Andrew recalls, “I had no idea what to do.” But Joe helped Andrew learn and eventually the experience and schooling started to come to the surface. Now things that used to be complicated are simple and he’s able to provide quick resolution for our clients. He says while developing his technical skills has been great, the most valuable thing he’s learned is building trusted relationships with our clients and increasingly developing confidence in his own ability.

As a company, he says it’s been great to be a part of the growth. Andrew has been with C2IT at all three of our locations. He says it’s cool to know where we were, sharing office space with a client, then packing everyone into a single-room office. Now to our location on Clark’s Creek Road where our conference room alone is half the size of our previous office. It’s been great to see our service offerings and quality grow to meet the demands of the market. And to see the benefits of the organization that Phil Dumm has brought the company. It’s exciting to see our impact growing. When he started there were a handful of clients in a few industries either based in Plainfield or closely connected with Plainfield. Now we’ve got dozens of clients in multiple industries across the greater Indianapolis area and even several out of state thanks to referrals. Andrew is a great addition to our team. He represents all of our core values and brings a unique perspective to our team and clients through his multiple experiences at C2IT.