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It’s Spring in Indiana and that means the Indy 500. Whether you’re a race fan or not you have to acknowledge the intensity and organization that teams put out in the hopes of winning the Borg-Warner Trophy. Everybody loves the drivers. They push 200+ MPH for three or more hours, taking chances that open and close in literally fractions of a second to move ahead in the field. The winning driver makes all the highlight reels, is the first on the team to taste that glorious ice-cold milk, and is praised by the public. But when the cameras fade away there’s a whole team cheering and one person receiving handshakes, hugs, and congratulations, because that person brought it all together, the Crew Chief.

Our Crew Chief is Phil Dumm. He joined C2IT in 2018 as our Project Manager bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and experience from a successful career with AT&T. He’s not shy about that, he said “AT&T didn’t get big without structure.” When Phil arrived at C2IT there was as much organization and structure as was needed for a small business. But to create sustainable growth it was necessary to introduce more structure and organization with intent. Phil’s role is unique and it fits him perfectly. On paper, nobody reports directly to Phil, but in reality, everybody works for Phil and in turn, Phil works for the good of the team. When something needs to be done, Phil is the person who gets the right people involved, organizes the plan, ensures everybody has the tools they need and keeps the project moving forward until satisfaction. When something unexpected happens Phil helps chart a new course so that the deliverables are still met.

Not only does Phil make sure the team is keeping pace with each project, but he’s constantly analyzing and improving how we operate internally as well. In just three years Phil has overhauled our file management system, overseen the adoption of the Zoho suite for everything from our IT Helpdesk to our Customer Relationship Management. More importantly than updating our organization and adding structure, Phil has helped deepen our relationships with our clients by serving as a trusted advisor on new and ongoing projects. Phil coordinates and leads regular touchpoint calls with all of our clients. If there’s a small issue that might otherwise have gone overlooked, Phil brings it to the surface so it’s taken care of before it becomes a big issue. He manages the high-level scope so our technicians and designers can focus on the highly detailed technical work that needs to be done. With Phil, you know what you’re going to get. He’s a straight shooter who takes the time to explain the issues of every project so that we and our clients can make well-informed decisions and move forward with confidence. While we appreciate the structure and lessons Phil brought from his time at AT&T, he fits in great with us and the small businesses we serve. He said “everyone accepts the mentality of small business. Moving outside your comfort zone. If there’s a need, stand up and be accountable.” We’ll keep doing just that, Chief.