Growing An Outdoor Legacy
The great outdoors. Tents, camp chairs, a cooler full of snacks and drinks. If that’s your idea of a perfect weekend there’s a 99% chance you own at least one Westfield Outdoors product and probably don’t know it. Like many of our clients, the team at Westfield has quietly grown into a leader in their field. But you may not recognize the name and now you’re asking, “If they’re an industry leader and I own their products how come I’ve never heard of them?” Well, Westfield Outdoors is one of the leading providers of outdoor gear to some of your favorite retailers like Bass Pro – Cabela’s, Wal-Mart, and Costco.
Humble Roots
Like most of our clients, they didn’t start as a leader in their field. Just a hard-working group who believed in their mission. In fact, when we started working together they had just six office workers and were buying computers off the shelf. Those machines got the job done and Westfield Outdoors continued to grow. They’ve been a fantastic partner and an excellent example of managing their growth and evolving technology needs. Since we started working together they’ve standardized their hardware to provide greater reliability and consistency as they’ve grown into a team of more than 40 and are in the process of building an additional facility in Whitestown, IN. Over the years we’ve kept their servers up to date, and improved security time and time again as they’ve grown and evolved. We helped simplify their Wi-Fi connection as their needs grew and a more sophisticated solution was required.
Natural Growth
As they’ve grown they’ve expanded their operations and now offer several of their own lines of products. We were glad to help them build their website for their Timber Ridge products. As you’ve hopefully realized, Westfield Outdoors has a massive catalog of products they offer for camping and outdoor enthusiasts and Timber Ridge is no exception. They had a vision to progressively introduce online shopping capabilities. So the initial website was built to capture the feel and branding of their print catalog while allowing for future e-commerce capabilities. Through intelligent design, the Timber Ridge website presents the entire catalog in an easy navigate, mobile responsive website.
It’s been an amazing journey for our companies to grow up alongside one another and we look forward to where the next adventure will take us.
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