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We take pride in helping our clients move to the next level of efficiency, productivity, and security. Most of these projects are difficult to share as interesting content to a larger audience. From time to time, though, we run across an opportunity to share a project we had the opportunity to be involved in that is fun to share with our larger community of clients and friends.

We’ve been serving as the technology partner of the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office for almost two years and have enjoyed helping them keep their office staff, jail operators, and mobile officers up and running efficiently with the technology they need to do their job. Much of our role revolves around interfacing with and assisting the variety of other technology vendors required to keep their operations up and running 24/7. These vendor relationships come in all shapes and sizes, from a system that manages movements within the jail to the dispatching software that integrates with other departments across the state and county.

Earlier this year, the Sheriff’s office made a commitment to move forward with an “Internet of Things” project that would help them more efficiently support their mobile officers and the work they do protecting and serving the community. This single system facilitates everything from recording in-car video when sirens are activated, activating bodycams when the officer exits their vehicle, and even tracking every time a weapon is pulled from its holster. The amount of information gathered by this system is immense, and facilitating its transfer to the cloud proved to be an “all hands on deck” project involving multiple vendors across the country and right here in Central Indiana.

A project of this size is inevitably going to have bumps in the road. Along the way to finishing the solution, we discovered a bottleneck in the capacity of the throughput the system needed to transfer all the video it required. Working with cellular providers, local internet providers, and the vendor themselves, we were able to play a part in finding both short-term workarounds and long-term solutions to these problems and were proud to play a part in the successful rollout of the platform.

“To protect and serve” is the motto of many public safety departments, and while it’s not a specific mantra we use here at C2IT, it is truly a piece of how we help all our clients, their staff, and their own customers. Whether it’s protection from malware and lost productivity or quick service with a smile, we’re proud to be involved in projects such as these through the great relationships we have with our clients.