C2IT Blog

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8 Reasons Every Company Is Now A Technology Company

8 Reasons Every Company Is Now A Technology Company

Whether you sell shoes or run an accounting firm, you need some type of technology to operate. Today’s companies aren’t just in the business of selling their own goods and services anymore. They also must master various types of digital tools.  These include software,...

Failure to Plan

Failure to Plan

Dan was so excited as he showed me through his new facility. He had big dreams for all the great things that would happen in this new space, and he couldn't wait to experience all the amazing things that were bound to happen in this new facility. As we toured the...

How Is the Metaverse Going to Change Business

How Is the Metaverse Going to Change Business

The new buzzword around town is “metaverse.” But what does that actually mean for businesses? Is it just something that social media companies need to be concerned about? According to people like Apple’s CEO Tim Cook, the metaverse is coming. He stated that “Life...

The Road to Full-Time

The Road to Full-Time

As a senior in college, I was on the prowl for internships in the tech field to build up some experience and see what the field was like first hand. I applied for internships left and right for months with little to no responses until I applied here at C2IT...

The Value of a Ride-Along

The Value of a Ride-Along

In the world of emergency responders, a “ride-along” is the arrangement of a civilian to sit in the passenger seat of an emergency vehicle and observe the working day of a police officer, firefighter, or paramedic. These serve a variety of purposes for different...

8 Tech Checks to Make Before You Travel

8 Tech Checks to Make Before You Travel

Our technology inevitably comes with us when we travel. Most of us won’t even travel to the end of the block without our smartphones. When you go on a trip, not having your technology there when you need it can ruin your day. Travel smarter and more securely by doing...