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IT Client

Morgan County Sherrif’s Office

Our Story

In January 2021, we began onboarding Morgan County 911 (MC911) and the Morgan County Sheriff’s Department (MCSD). Morgan County Public Safety Dispatch/911 strives to provide the most effective emergency communications possible for all citizens and first responders. MCSD has proudly been serving Morgan County since 1822. 

Our Goals

Provide IT Support for MC911 and MCSD

Set up and maintain new technology to address pain points.

Assistance with IT Projects and Hardware Refreshes

Upgraded Wi-Fi and hardware as well as planned implementation of new systems.

The Process

Provide IT Support 

We started providing IT support for MCSD and MC911 in January 2021. We spent multiple days on site doing discovery and learning what day to day operations looked like. We did some job shadowing and rode a long in a Sheriff’s car to get an understanding of the pain points and hardware. Since then, we have continued to provide day-to-day support with issues that arise for users. Also, setting up new users, new VPNs, and help with peripheral devices like printers and scanners. 


Assistance with IT Projects and Hardware Refreshes 

There have been a few projects that we have helped coordinate: 

  • WIFI AP Upgrade – We replaced the Access Points in both locations to keep hardware at a modern age and to help alleviate some issues throughout the building. 
  • Hardware Refreshes – We have helped set up new computers for both locations, but just recently set up new computers for each of the MC911 Dispatch stations. 
  • MCSD had a new project in which they implemented a new body cam system for officers and for vehicles. We helped plan this project to ensure the installation would go efficiently.  
  • We are in the process of implementing a new file server. 

Don't be shy. Get in Touch.

If you are interested in working together, send us an inquiry and we will get back to you as soon as we can!